Friday, April 10, 2009

Fundraiser Candy Sale

The Candy is in!!!!!!

Hey everyone I got the candy in last night, and it's 10:50 am and i have already sold half a box! Can you believe that? I can't wait to see how we do with this sale....

I think it will be a HIT!

I will be passing out the boxes tonight.

I think by tonight I will have my box sold.

Also we have come up with a plan for the money we will earn from these 8 boxes,

we are going to use them to use towards the cost of the T- shirts.

Any questions just email me!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Anthony's dance moves!

tatis sweet16 040
Originally uploaded by cucuy123
You guys need to learn from these dance moves!

He is so cute :)

Garage Sale


Place: Karina's House
1127 Richford Ter
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Please PLEASE Please be there by 8:00 am to set up your stuff!
We are going to need:
Plastic shopping bags
Plastic tables to put stuff on
and remember to bring singles and different bills for change

This Garage sale is to benefit the Annual Picnic. It's to help us all cut the cost of food, supplies etc. Keep checking back for details!