Thursday, July 23, 2009



























































































































































































Friday, April 10, 2009

Fundraiser Candy Sale

The Candy is in!!!!!!

Hey everyone I got the candy in last night, and it's 10:50 am and i have already sold half a box! Can you believe that? I can't wait to see how we do with this sale....

I think it will be a HIT!

I will be passing out the boxes tonight.

I think by tonight I will have my box sold.

Also we have come up with a plan for the money we will earn from these 8 boxes,

we are going to use them to use towards the cost of the T- shirts.

Any questions just email me!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Anthony's dance moves!

tatis sweet16 040
Originally uploaded by cucuy123
You guys need to learn from these dance moves!

He is so cute :)

Garage Sale


Place: Karina's House
1127 Richford Ter
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Please PLEASE Please be there by 8:00 am to set up your stuff!
We are going to need:
Plastic shopping bags
Plastic tables to put stuff on
and remember to bring singles and different bills for change

This Garage sale is to benefit the Annual Picnic. It's to help us all cut the cost of food, supplies etc. Keep checking back for details!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hey all,

I have posted a few pictures on the left hand side,check them out! Also, I know I said that if you wanted me to put pictures up all you had to do was e-mail them to me.But I saw that to be to much work for all of ok me. So I have made it easy for all of us, you can upload them from the comfort of your own home. Here is how:

1) go to
2) Press the Sign in link
3) Email address is
4) Password is ramirez (just like that, no upper case)
5) upload your pictures
6) and i'll put the link on here once I see there are more pictures
7) Vua-la! Done!

Lets put up as much as we can!
It's pretty easy, if I do say so myself!


Monday, March 30, 2009

40 per adult

In responds to the financial concern on how much this is all going to cost, we did take that into consideration. That is why we asked for the money for the food (40 per adult) to be either in advance within the payment dates outlined or all at once . The T-shirts are an add expense as well as the entrance to the park. But those are what make the reunion work and be fun filled. We actually thought that 40 dollars per adult was too little. :-/ for three meals, snacks, and activities. We don’t want to skimp on anything, and not buy enough food or drinks. We will look over the figures and if we come up with something else we will let you guys know. If anyone want to help us out with any figures please let us know, we would be very happy with any help we can get! :)

Klaudia and Jessica

The Ramirez Family Crest

The Ramirez Family Crest
The Ramirez family crest has been researched through the most recognized sources. Before an artist or craftsman can render a family crest, it must exist. In other words, the crest must have been designed and recorded by the heralds from time immemorial.

The Elements Of The Crest

The Family crest is just part of the story of Coats of Arms or Heraldry and of very ancient origin. These insignia were the reward of personal merit and could be secured by the humblest as well as the highest. They are testimonials of bravery and heroism. Arms:

Shields were painted with one or more bands of color used in with other figures or symbols: E.g. beasts, birds, fish, flowers, etc. Heraldry was rapidly enriched through the constant necessity to achieve distinction.


This device was worn on top of the helmet and was usually made of wood, metal or boiled leather. It provided the double advantage of easy identification for the wearer. In heraldry today, the crest and arms are usually displayed together.


The motto generally evolved from the watchword or war-cry of the family. Often the motto contained an allusion to a memorable event in the family history.

Torse Or Wreath:

The torse was formed by two pieces of silk twisted together by the lady who chose the bearer for her knight and was used to hold the crest and mantling in place on the helm. The tinctures of the torse are always those of the principal metal and color of the arms.


These varied in shape in different ages and countries and always in the case of titled arms. The Esquire Helm as depicted in family arms is always with a closed visor and facing to the left.


The mantling was spread over and draped from the helmet and served as protection “to repel the extremities of wet, cold and heal and to preserve the amour of rust”. The numerous cuts and slits indicated that it had been torn and hacked in the field of battle.

Where Did The Ramirez Name Emerge?From the Historical and enchanting region of Spain emerged a multitude of noble families, including the distinguished Ramirez family. The earliest forms of hereditary surnames in Spain were the patronymic surnames, which are derived from the father's given name, and metronymic surnames, which are derived from the mother's given name. Spanish patronymic names emerged as early as the mid-9th century and the most common patronymic suffix is "ez". The patronyms were derived from a variety of given names that were of many different origins. The surname Ramirez is derived from the popular Spanish personal name Ramirez, which is a pet form of the first name Ramon, which means wise ruler or wise protector. Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were among the earliest explorers of the New World was Luis Ramirez, who voyaged to the Rio de la Plata region of Argentina in 1528 and documented his travels in the form of a journal. Also of note was Melchoir Ramirez, who joined an expedition to Argentina and survived, being shipwrecked off the coast of Brazil. Other members of the family who were early emigrants to Spain's colonies in the New World included Cristobal, who emigrated to Peru in 1560.

Family pictures!

Send me ( Jessica) your family picture so I can post it up!

Update from Sundays get together....

We have picked Saturday July 25th as the definite date for the Reunion... YAY!

Thank you to Tata for taking charge of doing the T-shirts, that a great help. Klaudia has already been doing her research online to find us a good deal on the T-shirts. The color that was picked was yellow. We are going to look like a pack of bee'


Parents please get together when getting the t shirts for the kids, that way they can all be the same kind and shade of yellow.

I have already called and reserved the spot. The only thing is that when I first called last week I was told that it is a covered tent. But now I have been told that the covered tent is for catered picnics :( and ours isn't catered. So we only get enough tables to accommodate the amount of people we have. Oh well, we will still make the best out of it!

You also can bring your own beer as long as it is in cans. We can not bring party balls or kegs. They also sell beer there.

It's so exciting to see how the planning is starting!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The start!

The Annual Ramirez Family Reunion 2009

Hello All,
Klaudia and I have volunteered to lead this year’s family "Reunion". We wanted to start early that way we could get the wheels turning and we can all have a say on what is going on. First off, the picnic we had last year was great! Thank so much to Gaby for planning it! For this year we were thinking, since there are just a few kids in the family and they need to keep entertained we thought this park would be good it’s called tomahawk lake and it’s in Sparta NJ. It’s about an hour drive, here’s the website address to so you can look at all the amenities. It is a little pricier ( $11.00 per Adult and $10.00 per kids), but the activity make up for it. And I think the water slides are good for any age :)
The date we have set is Saturday July 25,2009. We will be renting a tent that is 40 dollars and Tomahawk Lake provides a picnic grove, personalized sign( that says Ramirez family reunion), large charcoal grill and parking near the picnic site

This is how the food situation will run:

We would like to start collecting the money now, 40 dollars per Adult, [this is a round figure, it might change] and an adult is considered 12 yrs and older, kids under 12 yrs old are free all you have to pay is their entrance.

As of now we are estimating 40 dollars per person and that includes:
1) Food
2) Beverages (water, soda….etc)
3) Supplies (ice, charcoal, plates, cups, utensils, etc)
4) The tent rental
5) The Activities

If you want to pay it all up front you can, if not here are the dates we will be collecting the money:
4/18 -20 dollars a person
5/16 -20 dollars a person
6/19 –if we find that more money is needed, we will be collecting it on this day

Just contact myself or Klaudia on those days when you will be dropping off payment.

Klaudia and I would do ALL the shopping and provide everyone copies of the receipts at the time of the picnic and whatever is left over will be reimbursed evenly.
The entrance to the park is not included in this collection; you would need to pay that once you get there.

We have also set –up a Ramirez Family Reunion blog so you can follow along with the planning progress:


1) Tio Fer Tia Ninette ( sp?)
2) Tio Ricardo, Tia Judith, Ricky, and Grandpa (I still live there, therefore I should
be included in this family, I don't care if i'm 27 just kidding)
3) Tio Meme, Tia Vivi, Manny and Erick, Grandma
4) Pichi, Lucky, Gilbert
5) Gaby, Yosvel, Kevin and Anthony Tia Tete (It wouldn't be fair to
charge her as her own family)
6) Klaudia, Robert, Hayliegh and Justin
7) Karina, Alex, Xavier and Alina
8) Jessica and Paul
9) Vanessa, Joseph, Amandalyz and Cynthia
10) Tata, Ana and Tiago (and baby to be),Tio Gelber (same situation as
Tia tete, only if he comes)

If you have any suggestions please let us know. We are extremely excited in plaThe Annual Ramirez Family Reunion 2009
Hello All,
Klaudia and I have volunteered to lead this year’s family "Reunion". We wanted to start early that way we could get the wheels turning and we can all have a say on what is going on. First off, the picnic we had last year was great! Thank so much to Gaby for planning it! For this year we were thinking, since there are just a few kids in the family and they need to keep entertained we thought this park would be good it’s called tomahawk lake and it’s in Sparta NJ. It’s about an hour drive, here’s the website address to so you can look at all the amenities. It is a little pricier ( $11.00 per Adult and $10.00 per kids), but the activity make up for it. And I think the water slides are good for any age :)
The date we have in mind is Saturday July 11,2009. We will be renting a tent that is 40 dollars and Tomahawk Lake provides a picnic grove, personalized sign( that says Ramirez family reunion), large charcoal grill and parking near the picnic site

This is how the food situation will run:

We would like to start collecting the money now, 40 dollars per Adult, [this is a round figure, it might change] and an adult is considered 12 yrs and older, kids under 12 yrs old are free all you have to pay is their entrance.

As of now we are estimating 40 dollars per person and that includes:
1) Food
2) Beverages (water, soda….etc)
3) Supplies (ice, charcoal, plates, cups, utensils, etc)
4) The tent rental
5) The Activities

If you want to pay it all up front you can, if not here are the dates we will be collecting the money:
4/18 -20 dollars a person
5/16 -20 dollars a person
6/19 –if we find that more money is needed, we will be collecting it on this day

Just contact myself or Klaudia on those days when you will be dropping off payment.

Klaudia and I would do ALL the shopping and provide everyone copies of the receipts at the time of the picnic and whatever is left over will be reimbursed evenly.
The entrance to the park is not included in this collection; you would need to pay that once you get there.

We have also set –up a Ramirez Family Reunion blog so you can follow along with the planning progress:


1) Tio Fer Tia Ninette ( sp?)
2) Tio Ricardo, Tia Judith, Ricky, and Grandpa (I still live there, therefore I should
be included in this family, I don't care if i'm 27 just kidding)
3) Tio Meme, Tia Vivi, Manny and Erick, Grandma
4) Pichi, Lucky, Gilbert
5) Gaby, Yosvel, Kevin and Anthony Tia Tete (It wouldn't be fair to
charge her as her own family)
6) Klaudia, Robert, Hayliegh and Justin
7) Karina, Alex, Xavier and Alina
8) Jessica and Paul
9) Vanessa, Joseph, Amandalyz and Cynthia
10) Tata, Ana and Tiago (and baby to be),Tio Gelber (same situation as
Tia tete, only if he comes)

If you have any suggestions please let us know. We are extremely excited in planning this event!

Klaudia and Jessica RAMIREZ