Monday, March 30, 2009

Family pictures!

Send me ( Jessica) your family picture so I can post it up!


  1. Thank you Jessica, NICE JOB!
    I'm a bit concern with the price though! so far we have, let's say for a family of 4..... 80 + 42 (entrance) + shirts (maybe another $24 for all 4) about $140.00 right of the back... I don't want to sound cheap but it is a little bit too much, maybe we can re do some numbers ?? I don't know...

  2. I was talking with alex and my sister on the price as well when you think of the additional expenses it really is alot i understand and appreciate the breakfast lunch and dinner but in reality its too pricey not everyone eats breakfast some just drink coffee so maybe we can just focus on lunch and snacks see how much that would run us????
