Monday, March 30, 2009

40 per adult

In responds to the financial concern on how much this is all going to cost, we did take that into consideration. That is why we asked for the money for the food (40 per adult) to be either in advance within the payment dates outlined or all at once . The T-shirts are an add expense as well as the entrance to the park. But those are what make the reunion work and be fun filled. We actually thought that 40 dollars per adult was too little. :-/ for three meals, snacks, and activities. We don’t want to skimp on anything, and not buy enough food or drinks. We will look over the figures and if we come up with something else we will let you guys know. If anyone want to help us out with any figures please let us know, we would be very happy with any help we can get! :)

Klaudia and Jessica

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