Monday, March 30, 2009

Update from Sundays get together....

We have picked Saturday July 25th as the definite date for the Reunion... YAY!

Thank you to Tata for taking charge of doing the T-shirts, that a great help. Klaudia has already been doing her research online to find us a good deal on the T-shirts. The color that was picked was yellow. We are going to look like a pack of bee'


Parents please get together when getting the t shirts for the kids, that way they can all be the same kind and shade of yellow.

I have already called and reserved the spot. The only thing is that when I first called last week I was told that it is a covered tent. But now I have been told that the covered tent is for catered picnics :( and ours isn't catered. So we only get enough tables to accommodate the amount of people we have. Oh well, we will still make the best out of it!

You also can bring your own beer as long as it is in cans. We can not bring party balls or kegs. They also sell beer there.

It's so exciting to see how the planning is starting!

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