Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hey all,

I have posted a few pictures on the left hand side,check them out! Also, I know I said that if you wanted me to put pictures up all you had to do was e-mail them to me.But I saw that to be to much work for all of us..lol... ok me. So I have made it easy for all of us, you can upload them from the comfort of your own home. Here is how:

1) go to http://www.flickr.com
2) Press the Sign in link
3) Email address is rfreunion@rocketmail.com
4) Password is ramirez (just like that, no upper case)
5) upload your pictures
6) and i'll put the link on here once I see there are more pictures
7) Vua-la! Done!

Lets put up as much as we can!
It's pretty easy, if I do say so myself!


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